Dental Panoramic X-ray
Types of examinations
Dental Panoramic | Dental Scan |
Conduct of the Examination
The operator positions your head in the device.You are asked to bite a sterile plastic device and stay still while the X-ray tube rotates around your head.
The duration of the examination is 3 minutes.
Device :Digital equipment with a plane sensor
Supplier :Samsung
X-ray equipment provided with a digital plane sensor associated with a computer system. When X-rays are emitted, they pass through the structures of the examined area and will be intercepted by the plane sensor. The image is created by the computer conversion of the radiation into a multitude of points whose color goes from black to white depending on the intensity of the radiation.
The greater the amount of rays reaching the plane sensor, the more the created image will appear darker (the bone that blocks the rays significantly appears clear while the lungs that let many rays appear black).
What is the contribution of dental panoramic X-ray?
Allows a fine analysis of dental structures in sections or in 3D.
Opening hours
Saturday - Thursday
07:30 - 16:00